3 days left to vanessa4newcraft. CITA – Consociazione Italiana Tappezzieri Arredatori – will be part of this project.

-3 days left to VANESSA4NEWCRAFT.

We spent some time with Pietro Virzi, a member of CITA, Consociazione Italiana Tappezzieri Arredatori.
Pietro and some of his friends will join us on Tuesday for our crawdcrafting day and will contribute to the realization our armchair thanks to their experience and capacity. They are deeply involved in spreading their upholstery culture through many initiatives organized by the association.

vanessa4newcraft crowdcrafting alla xxi triennale di Milano mostra NEW CRAFT

Let’s talk about you.

I have been working as an upholsterer since 1981 and it is not my first experience with BertO: we have already worked together during the 80’s. With Fioravante and Giorgio we have worked on different projects and we are really proud of our results: we have increased our experience and knowledge together. I have been a member of CITA association for 20 years.

What are the main activities of CITA?

It was founded in 1975 and its goal is to spread our upholstery tradition in Italy, in particular towards the new generations. Our CITA association would like to get people involved in our upholstery culture by organizing many exhibitions all over Italy and by showing what we can do.

It is not your first time. What do you expect from this crowdcrafting day for vanessa4newcraft?

I was really impressed when we made the project divanoxmanagua in the past. Vanessa4newcraft is extremely important for our CITA association as we strongly believe in our art and upholstery tradition and, I think, this will be a great event not only for the category we represent, but also for all visitors.

The coming generations of upholsterers can get a great feeling from this cooperation: this exhibition will offer them the opportunity to share values and knowledge and to face the challenge towards new products through the application of new working methods.

Thank you Pietro!

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